
Quick Guide to Ceiling Crack Repair

Posted by Sandpaper America on Apr 13th 2022

Quick Guide to Ceiling Crack Repair

Everyone would probably agree that a home is an important and valuable asset. For this reason, it is important to protect properties from wear and tear. One common household repair that arises overt …

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How to Sand Off a Scratch on Your Car

Posted by Sandpaper America on Dec 17th 2021

How to Sand Off a Scratch on Your Car

Whether your teenager had a hiccup learning how to back out of the driveway, or a rogue shopping car happened to target your car door during a recent grocery trip, car scratches are quite frustratin …

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Safety Tips for Oscillating Spindle Sanders

Posted by Sandpaper America on Nov 9th 2021

Safety Tips for Oscillating Spindle Sanders

Although spindle sanders are one of the most useful and prevalent sanding tools in the woodworking industry, they can be very dangerous. For this reason, there are several important safety guideline …

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6 Step Guide to Repair Chipping Paint

Posted by Sandpaper America on Oct 29th 2021

6 Step Guide to Repair Chipping Paint

When trim, walls, and woodwork have several layers of old paint on them, they are more prone to chipping and peeling. And with so many layers, old paint doesn’t just chip, it leaves behind craters a …

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